∙Podule 0 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 0 uses locations 112 to 115
ÅPodule 0░ CMOS & locs 112, 114 and 115 [&00]è
∙Podule 0 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 0 uses locations 112 to 115
ÅPodule 0░ CMOS & locs 112, 113 and 115 [&00]è
∙Podule 0 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 0 uses locations 112 to 115
ÅPodule 0░ CMOS & locs 112, 113 and 115 [&00]è
∙Podule 0 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 0 uses locations 112 to 115
ÅPodule 1░ CMOS & locs 117, 118 and 119 [&00]è
∙Podule 1 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 1 uses locations 116 to 119
ÅPodule 1░ CMOS & locs 116, 118 and 119 [&00]è
∙Podule 1 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 1 uses locations 116 to 119
ÅPodule 1░ CMOS & locs 116, 117 and 119 [&00]è
∙Podule 1 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 1 uses locations 116 to 119
ÅPodule 1░ CMOS & locs 116, 117 and 118 [&00]è
∙Podule 1 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 1 uses locations 116 to 119
ÅPodule 2░ CMOS & locs 121, 122 and 123 [&00]è
∙Podule 2 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 2 uses locations 120 to 123
ÅPodule 2░ CMOS & locs 120, 122 and 123 [&00]è
∙Podule 2 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 2 uses locations 120 to 123
ÅPodule 2░ CMOS & locs 120, 121 and 123 [&00]è
∙Podule 2 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 2 uses locations 120 to 123
ÅPodule 2░ CMOS & locs 120, 121 and 122 [&00]è
∙Podule 2 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 2 uses locations 120 to 123
ÅPodule 3░ CMOS & locs 125, 126 and 127 [&00]è
∙Podule 3 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 3 uses locations 124 to 127
ÅPodule 3░ CMOS & locs 124, 126 and 127 [&00]è
∙Podule 3 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 3 uses locations 124 to 127
ÅPodule 3░ CMOS & locs 124, 125 and 127 [&00]è
∙Podule 3 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 3 uses locations 124 to 127
ÅPodule 3░ CMOS & locs 124, 125 and 126 [&00]è
∙Podule 3 CMOSäâ8êFour locations are used for each poduleäêPodule 3 uses locations 124 to 127
ÅCurrent year░ - Year within century [&5F]è
Current year - Year within centuryäâBêMust be set during manufacture
ÅCurrent year░ - Century [&13]è
Current year - Century
*ÅUnplug (byte 6) for ROM modules░ [&00]è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug (byte 7) for ROM modules░ [&00]è
Unplug for ROM modules
ÅDumpFormat and 16-bit sound░è
0 âDand bit 1äâ6êÅControl character print control░äêê0 ë Print in GSTrans formatäêê1 ë Print as a dotäêê2 ë Print decimal inside angle bracketsäêê3 ë Print hex inside angle brackets
1 âDand bit 0äâ6êÅControl character print control░äêê0 ë Print in GSTrans formatäêê1 ë Print as a dotäêê2 ë Print decimal inside angle bracketsäêê3 ë Print hex inside angle brackets
2 â6ÅTop bit set character control░äê0 ë Top bit set character areäêêêcontrol charactersäê1 ë Top bit set charactersäêêêare valid
3 â6ÅASCII control in *Dump░äê0 ë Send character unalteredäê1 ë AND character with &7F
4 â6ÅTAB size control░äê0 ë Do not treat TAB as 8 spacesäê1 ë Treat TAB as 8 spaces
5 âDand bit 6äâ6êÅ16-bit sound control░äêê0 ë No 16-bit sound output, use mu-lawäêê1 ë DAC clock is slave. 11.2896Mhzäêêêêext clockäêê2 ë DAC clock is slave. No ext clockäêê3 ë DAC clock is master.
6 âDand bit 5äâ6êÅ16-bit sound control░äêê0 ë No 16-bit sound output, use mu-lawäêê1 ë DAC clock is slave. 11.2896Mhzäêêêêext clockäêê2 ë DAC clock is slave. No ext clockäêê3 ë DAC clock is master.
7 â6ÅSound quality control░äê0 ë No quality adjustmentäê1 ë Perform sample interpolation toäêêêkeep net sample rate >24KHz
ÅSync, monitor type░, mode information [&FD]è
0 âDand bit 7äâ6êÅSync type░äêê07äêê00 ë Separate syncsäêê01 ë Composite syncsäêê10 ë Reservedäêê11 ë Auto syncs
1 âBÅNot used░ (Set to zero)
2 âDand bits 3, 4, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë Normal, 1 ë Multisyncäêê2 ë Hi-Res Monochrome, 3 ë VGAäêê4 ë Super VGA, 5 ë LCDäêê6 ë Third party, 7 ë Fileäêê31 ë Auto (8 to 30 ë Undefined)
3 âDand bits 2, 4, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë Normal, 1 ë Multisyncäêê2 ë Hi-Res Monochrome, 3 ë VGAäêê4 ë Super VGA, 5 ë LCDäêê6 ë Third party, 7 ë Fileäêê31 ë Auto (8 to 30 ë Undefined)
4 âDand bits 2, 3, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë Normal, 1 ë Multisyncäêê2 ë Hi-Res Monochrome, 3 ë VGAäêê4 ë Super VGA, 5 ë LCDäêê6 ë Third party, 7 ë Fileäêê31 ë Auto (8 to 30 ë Undefined)
5 âDand bits 2, 3, 4 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë Normal, 1 ë Multisyncäêê2 ë Hi-Res Monochrome, 3 ë VGAäêê4 ë Super VGA, 5 ë LCDäêê6 ë Third party, 7 ë Fileäêê31 ë Auto (8 to 30 ë Undefined)
6 âDand bits 2, 3, 4 & 5äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë Normal, 1 ë Multisyncäêê2 ë Hi-Res Monochrome, 3 ë VGAäêê4 ë Super VGA, 5 ë LCDäêê6 ë Third party, 7 ë Fileäêê31 ë Auto (8 to 30 ë Undefined)
7 âDand bit 0äâ6êÅSync type░äêê07äêê00 ë Separate syncsäêê01 ë Composite syncsäêê10 ë Reservedäêê11 ë Auto syncs
ÅFontSize░ in units of 4K [&10]è
FontSize in units of 4K
ÅNew ADFS░ CMOS byte 1 [&41]è
0 âDand bits 1 & 2äâ6êÅNumber of floppy disc drives░
1 âDand bits 0 & 2äâ6êÅNumber of floppy disc drives░
2 âDand bits 0 & 1äâ6êÅNumber of floppy disc drives░
ADFSBuffersäê0 ë No 1k buffersäê1 ë No. of buffers depends on memory sizeäêêê 1MB ë 2x 1k buffersäêêê>1MB ë 4x 1k buffer for each MBäê>1 ë n x 1k buffers